How to Appeal a Parking Ticket in Leicester

Receiving a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) through the post or finding one attached to your vehicle's windscreen is never a pleasant experience. If you believe you were wrongly issued a parking ticket in Leicester, you have the right to challenge the fine. This guide walks you through the process of appealing a parking ticket issued by Leicester City Council, increasing your chances of a successful outcome.

Understanding Parking Regulations in Leicester

Before appealing a parking ticket, it's essential to familiarise yourself with the parking rules and restrictions in Leicester. The city centre and surrounding areas have various controlled parking zones (CPZs) that operate during specific hours, typically Monday to Saturday from 7:30am to 6pm. Pay attention to signs indicating parking restrictions, time limits, permit requirements, and designated bays for disabled badge holders or loading/unloading.

Common Parking Violations in Leicester Include:

Grounds for Appealing a Parking Ticket

You can appeal a parking ticket in Leicester if you believe it was issued unfairly or in error. Valid grounds for appeal may include:

Gathering Evidence for Your Appeal

To strengthen your case when appealing a parking ticket, collect as much evidence as possible to support your argument. This may include:

Submitting Your Appeal to Leicester City Council

You have 28 days from the date the PCN was issued to submit an informal challenge to Leicester City Council's Parking Services department.

You can send your appeal by post to:

Parking Services

Leicester City Council

PO Box 8459

Leicester LE1 8AW

In your appeal, clearly explain why you believe the ticket was issued unfairly and include any relevant evidence. The council will review your challenge and notify you of the outcome within 14 days.

If your informal challenge is rejected, you'll receive a Notice to Owner (NtO) from the council. At this stage, you have another 28 days to submit a formal representation against the ticket. Follow the instructions on the NtO to provide your full reasons for appealing and attach any additional evidence.

Taking Your Case to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal

If Leicester City Council rejects your formal representation, you'll receive a Notice of Rejection along with a form to appeal to the independent Traffic Penalty Tribunal (TPT). You must submit your appeal to the TPT within 28 days.

The TPT is an impartial adjudication service that will review your case and make a final decision. You can choose to have your appeal considered through a postal, telephone, or face-to-face hearing. The adjudicator's decision is legally binding, and if your appeal is successful, your parking ticket will be cancelled, and you won't have to pay the fine.

Tips for a Successful Parking Ticket Appeal


Receiving a parking ticket in Leicester can be frustrating, but remember that you have the right to appeal if you believe it was issued unfairly. By understanding the city's parking regulations, gathering evidence, and following the correct appeal procedures, you can challenge your ticket and potentially have it cancelled. Stay calm, present your case clearly, and let the council or TPT make an impartial decision based on the facts.